Thursday, August 18, 2011

Inpired by others to live the dream - August 18, 2011

As I write this blog entry, my first since April, I am living one of my dreams. Sitting in a restaurant on Queen Street East, as an independent woman, admiring and being admired. At one point, I dreamed of being a single woman, living in the big city, dining at fancy restaurants and being my outgoing and natural self. In the beginning, I was doubtful but now I am here!

Is the dream the same? Dreams grow big, change shape and coalesce into something different, something new. Once I had achieved my dream, I went to a seminar either by Bob Proctor or Joe Morton and I heard "dream bigger!" I have seen other's realize their dreams and I know it can be done. Kinda like 'if you build it, they will come'. My sister and her husband have a dream of retiring in Florida. It so happens the American economy tanked and homes in this southern, ocean-bounded state were suddenly available and affordable. Taa Daa!

My summer has been another delightful experience one after the other. From Summerlicious to Caribana/Caribbean Carnival to Tastes of the Danforth and every other festival and event, I have explored Toronto and lived it. Lovely! Now I'm asking myself, what's next? What is the next dream?

When you have something in your heart that you want to have happen and it fills your spirit and gives you passion and energy, and you are hoping and wishing that this "thing" will become a reality one day, that is the dream. The challenge is not in making the dream come true, the challenge is in dreaming the dream. It may be fantastic and imaginative, seemingly out of reach, incredible or unbelieveable, that is your dream. Once you commit to it and put your hopes in your dreams, channel your thoughts, your spirits and your energies, then the dream will come to you and be your present, your now, your reality.

Inspired by a friend who challenged herself to go speed-dating or at least do something constructive to change her single situation, I did the same. Getting out in the real world and meeting other single, eligible and suitable persons is a definite step in the right direction towards couplehood rather than forever single. Thank you Barbara for inspiring me. I've met a few new people since I stepped out of my comfort zone and took charge of this dream.

Inspired by artists and writers that I saw at the last "First Fridays" hosted by Warren Salmon. I heard from a young woman who is a writer by trade, having (almost, nearly, has she even?) reached 30 and written 40 books. Kayla Perrin. Kayla is an inspiration to me so I've committed to finish writing the book I started two years ago. Thanks Kayla!

Inspired by my sister to have a lasting love-life and a family to cherish. I appreciate being a part of her family and sharing her family - the two girls are adorable and I spent my summer vacation with them and Grandma/Ma and the whole family are darlings. Thank you Mitz!

Everything else I have achieved thus far is because I dreamed it and I made the dream my reality with focussed energy and applying my passion. Now I am dreaming of my partner who will travel the world with me and make a home in downtown Toronto. I'm dreaming of the little girl and the little boy who will fill our lives. I am imagining, picturing and dreaming of a new reality. Now I'm dreaming of being on stage and singing R&B and soul. Performing my poems. Signing my book at Chapters. I will not wait until I retire or perspire to put some energy into the things I desire!

As my 35th birthday approaches, I'm checking my list of things to do in life. I've decided to make some of the dreams on that list happen sooner rather than later. One thing I remind my friends when setting goals - be specific! You have to know exactly what you want or how will you recognize it when you get it? What are you long-held dreams and wishes? What did you want to do when you grew up? Think about it. And then do it!