Sunday, November 27, 2011

Someday at Christmas dreams will come true - November 27, 2011

"Someday at Christmas all our dreams would come to be", Stevie Wonder.

Contemplating life and all you did this year, accomplishments, activities, challenges, and how you faced them, seems to be a common practice. It is at this time that I prepare to celebrate Christmas and the beginning of the new year and I also reminisce about the past few months and all my dreams, hopes and wishes. I muse on my life and evaluate whether it is what I hoped it would be or ponder the gaps and what I can do to fill them.

I also look at my list and wonder what can I do in 30 days to finish off 2011 in a way that would make me feel very good. It's a good time to check in and see where I have grown and where I can keep growing.

Christmas is my favourite season because of music, song, food, desserts and gift-giving. I look forward to Christmas parties, dinners, carolling and of course shopping. I am thankful as I was at Thanksgiving of who I am and who I am becoming, what I have and what I can give. Christmas is the time to put into action that feeling of thanksgiving in real and tangible ways.

I know that Christmas can be a contemplative and nostalgic time as well with feelings of wistfulness, longing and melancholy. I recognize that this time of year is filled with so much angst and anxiety at the same time it is filled with joy and celebration. I encourage everyone to reach out and accept the hands of friendship and the opportunities to grow and know someone. Even if you don't think so, there is someone somewhere who loves you and wants the best for you. With that hope, go forward and accept the love that this season reminds us of.

"I believe for everyone who goes astray, someone will come to show the way". I believe in Christmas. I believe in hope. I believe in you. I believe everyone has it in them to be the special gift at Christmas that everyone wants to open. Let Christmas be the time and the season for you and your special gift to be shared. Everyone has a talent and if you haven't shared it already, now is the time to open up and let your light shine.

I know I am wistful and metaphoric but I believe the season is beyond measurement. It will not matter how many gifts you give, how much money you spent or how many parties you hosted, it will matter how deeply you touched someone and made them feel special. It will matter how you gave of yourself, your time, your energy and your love.

Be the Christmas joy you wish to see in the world.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Thanks for the memories and the moments - Thanksgiving in Canada - October 10, 2011

It's Thanksgiving in Canada. Besides all the turkey and the trimmings, the dinners and the dishes, the cooking and the baking, the time together with friends and family is most precious. This time of year is another opportunity to reflect and consider the things we are thankful for. I am sure that most of us took time this weekend at one or other of our many meals to give thanks for our family, friends, life, lifestyle, graces and gifts.

I for one am thankful for the memories and the moments I am sharing with the people in my life everyday. I am thankful for the moments that my Creator has granted me. I am thankful for the skills and talents I have that allow me to craft these moments or to grasp them as they come by. Opportunities like the ones I've come across sometimes happen on their own, sometimes they take making. Making something happen out of energy, will and happenstance, takes more than luck and chance. It takes commitment and strength to cling to a dream until it becomes reality.

Many people witnessed my latest celebration where by the Grace of God, moments and memories happened that I am thankful for. I am thankful for all the family and friends that came out to my birthday party celebration - MLGs Rocking Rhythms ROMP - and witnessed dreams becoming reality. It has been my dream to peform my spoken word in public (I have since 2008), sing or front a band (doing it now) and also host an amazing birthday party (which i did!). This for me is a testament to commitment, holding true to your dreams, putting words to them and taking action. I give thanks to He who is for givng me the grace to achieve my dreams.

I am thankful to have accomplished many milestones in my life, completed projects, tasks and achieved things I set my sights on, but I know I could not accomplish these things without the support of loving friends and family. I am thankful for you. You who are there for me, you who support me, you who listen, you who talk, you who through sheer will enable me to do the things I am called to do. Thank you!

As we enter another season of grace and thanksgiving, the bouyancy of which should carry us into the new year, we should contemplate our thankful moments and memories and the people in our lives that help us to experience the beautiful, the challenging and the teaching moments.

Let us be thankful that we are where we are meant to be exactly and the people in our lives are in it for a reason, a season or a time and for that be thankful also. It is far better to bless our lives and other's lives, bless each day and be thankful for it, than to curse and swear and only have regret. Be thankful for who you are, what you are, what you are doing and what you are meant to be doing. Count your blessings and your moments of gratitude, these are the moments and memories that count.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Inpired by others to live the dream - August 18, 2011

As I write this blog entry, my first since April, I am living one of my dreams. Sitting in a restaurant on Queen Street East, as an independent woman, admiring and being admired. At one point, I dreamed of being a single woman, living in the big city, dining at fancy restaurants and being my outgoing and natural self. In the beginning, I was doubtful but now I am here!

Is the dream the same? Dreams grow big, change shape and coalesce into something different, something new. Once I had achieved my dream, I went to a seminar either by Bob Proctor or Joe Morton and I heard "dream bigger!" I have seen other's realize their dreams and I know it can be done. Kinda like 'if you build it, they will come'. My sister and her husband have a dream of retiring in Florida. It so happens the American economy tanked and homes in this southern, ocean-bounded state were suddenly available and affordable. Taa Daa!

My summer has been another delightful experience one after the other. From Summerlicious to Caribana/Caribbean Carnival to Tastes of the Danforth and every other festival and event, I have explored Toronto and lived it. Lovely! Now I'm asking myself, what's next? What is the next dream?

When you have something in your heart that you want to have happen and it fills your spirit and gives you passion and energy, and you are hoping and wishing that this "thing" will become a reality one day, that is the dream. The challenge is not in making the dream come true, the challenge is in dreaming the dream. It may be fantastic and imaginative, seemingly out of reach, incredible or unbelieveable, that is your dream. Once you commit to it and put your hopes in your dreams, channel your thoughts, your spirits and your energies, then the dream will come to you and be your present, your now, your reality.

Inspired by a friend who challenged herself to go speed-dating or at least do something constructive to change her single situation, I did the same. Getting out in the real world and meeting other single, eligible and suitable persons is a definite step in the right direction towards couplehood rather than forever single. Thank you Barbara for inspiring me. I've met a few new people since I stepped out of my comfort zone and took charge of this dream.

Inspired by artists and writers that I saw at the last "First Fridays" hosted by Warren Salmon. I heard from a young woman who is a writer by trade, having (almost, nearly, has she even?) reached 30 and written 40 books. Kayla Perrin. Kayla is an inspiration to me so I've committed to finish writing the book I started two years ago. Thanks Kayla!

Inspired by my sister to have a lasting love-life and a family to cherish. I appreciate being a part of her family and sharing her family - the two girls are adorable and I spent my summer vacation with them and Grandma/Ma and the whole family are darlings. Thank you Mitz!

Everything else I have achieved thus far is because I dreamed it and I made the dream my reality with focussed energy and applying my passion. Now I am dreaming of my partner who will travel the world with me and make a home in downtown Toronto. I'm dreaming of the little girl and the little boy who will fill our lives. I am imagining, picturing and dreaming of a new reality. Now I'm dreaming of being on stage and singing R&B and soul. Performing my poems. Signing my book at Chapters. I will not wait until I retire or perspire to put some energy into the things I desire!

As my 35th birthday approaches, I'm checking my list of things to do in life. I've decided to make some of the dreams on that list happen sooner rather than later. One thing I remind my friends when setting goals - be specific! You have to know exactly what you want or how will you recognize it when you get it? What are you long-held dreams and wishes? What did you want to do when you grew up? Think about it. And then do it!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Living the dream...defining the dream and living it - April 11, 2011

"[Spring] is in the air, everytime I look around." (by John Paul Young)

Spring feels like it is finally here in Toronto, tdot, El Toro and I'm bound and determined to enjoy it. The winter blues or blahs should be melted away with the spring sunshine the way the sun has melted leftovers of winter-snow! As the gentle rains falls and washes away the dirt and trash left by mounds and heaps of what was once clean, white snow, so should the spirit of Spring and Easter wash away whatever dregs and leftovers need to be washed away from your spirit and soul.

Every morning I am greeted by the sweet sounds of Machel Montano's "Advantage" as that is the first song on the soca CD I bought myself at Maracas Bay a few weeks ago. Was it only a few weeks ago (a month and 1 day today I returned) that I was basking in the sunshine of a Trini Wednesday after an adventurous and whirlwind Carnival? Read more about my adventures during Carnival in my travel blog - Tastes, Travels and Thoughts by MLG The energy of that vacation adventure still motivates me to wake up in the morning, find joy in every moment and discover my passion.

Taking advantage of the stage or life as you know it is a mantra I have to share. It is time to take advantage of every G0d-given moment, talent and door that beckons. Time to take advantage of life. I hear Machel's music and though it is meant for dancing and wining and enjoying, I can't help but read into it. Just like Kes the Band's Million Dollars. I may not have won a million bucks or even $10, (I, like the rest of you, have to work hard for my money) but I feel like I'm worth a million. Beautiful! How can you resist being inspired?

"And I feel like, I just won a million dollars!" What a feeling! If we could capture this feeling and bottle it, it would be worth just that. Every time I go away to a foreign country or back home to Trinidad, I enjoy myself so much and I am uplifted I feel like I am taken away to another plane of existence where anything is possible. Barbados, Las Vegas, Trinidad, England, France...every place I've been to has inspired me to be more, to do more. Seeing how other people live in another part of this city, my country or the world opens your eyes to the other, the possible and the potential.

"This year I moving fearless." Are you? Am I? There is so much in life I want to do, say, write and all before things change, buckets are kicked or I change my mind. Fearlessly. I am encouraged by these experiences to be fearless in my approach to the dream. Dreaming without fear and living the dream as best I can, bravely. What is the dream? Only God and I know and I endeavour to find out if His dream and mine are the same.

I encourage you to set about dreaming, to try and figure out what you are meant to be doing on this planet or at least to daydream about what you would like to do on this planet. It is an exercise but it is totally worth it. I dreamed of playing big people mas in Trinidad and have been saying I would go for years (literally, I've been fantasizing about this since 2005). And I did it! Finally! I felt good, looked good and I must say having a goal or dream helped me get healthy and fit. I will continue to eat healthy, do Socacize boot camps, go to the gym and train with my trainer because Rio's Carnival is calling my name!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Savouring food as life is savoured - February 12, 2011

An adventure in eating was my experience of the last little while. Not only have I been on my own cooking-healthy-food bend but I've also enjoyed my brand of healthy at really nice restaurants for @LiciousTO Winterlicious in Toronto. Each meal brings me closer to a friend or friends and reminds me of my reason for being. My reason for being is to share my joy of life (joie de vie) with everyone!

My adventure with gluten-freeness and dairy-freeness began in October 2010. I've been cooking sweet potatoe fries, rice pastas, brown rice everything and rice-flour pancakes for months and tweeting about it. I've rediscovered my culinary skills and am enjoying it immensely.

I really wanted to try Winterlicious this year but of course I was worried about whether or not I would find food I could eat. This nice article helped - I found menus I really appreciated at Eight Wine Bar with Josephine and Ida, Trevor's Kitchen with Emily, Eddy Levesque's Kitchen with Adam and Southern Accent with Adam. My reviews follow. The best part of Winterlicious this year was being exposed to amazing restaurants in Toronto that I would never have found otherwise.

  • Trevor's Kitchen is very nice, upscale and downtown-like on Wellington East. I would definitely do dinner there, Emily and I enjoyed a long lunch. The service was amazing and the food was delectable. I really enjoyed the cotton-candy that came with the bill. Lucious!
  • Eight Wine Bar is stylish and located in the Metropolitan Hotel on Colborne Street. I loved the flourless chocolate cake for dessert--it was light and fluffy and the dark chocolate sauce was d'lish! I've got to try their Friday night $1 an ounce wines. I was jealous of Ida and Josephine's steak choice but red meat I've discovered is not my best-friend :(
  • Southern Accent in the Annex was a cajun treat with Adam. Cajun-Creole-Soul was their slogan and so it felt. The ambience was amazing. Adam and I even booked their cute little private cubbies because it was so cute and I was feeling the effect of the southern bourbon because I don't yet have a date for my reservation. Jambalaya was gold!
  • Edward (Eddy) Levesque's Kitchen for a late lunch with Adam. It wasn't exactly winterlicious but it was damned good. Potatoe latkes with smoked salmon, umm good. No dessert here as it was only lunch. Very nice decor, all fancy and what-not. I would probably go back for dinner sometime.

I missed Grappa Ristorante for dinner with Sebastian due to a cold but there's always Summerlicious! As I write this, Valentine's Day looms, but because I've had such good times with friends I am not bereft of love and loving. I've had enough love to last me for a while. I'll probably groan about being single in the spring but for now, I'm happy, content and loving this life.

Going out for Winterlicious taught me a couple of things - there's so much to discover in Toronto, you need only give yourself the time and the freedom, and there's so much conversation to have with friends that it's all a good reason for living.

Good food, great friends, excllent times!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

It's a new day, it's a New Year and I'm ready - January 5, 2011

As it is a new year, and I'm getting used to writing 2011 instead of 2010, now is the right time for a blog about the newness of life. I've always taken the opportunity of any new season (New Year's, Spring, Fall, mornings, dawn) as a good time to evaluate my life, my self and my direction. Everyone else is talking about resolutions and its almost scary the amount of pressure there is to make or have a resolution and then even more pressure to keep it. I for one am tired of putting so much pressure on my New Year's that it becomes more of a pressure cooker with no release than a fire-cracker with a bang. I prefer starting off my New Year's with a BANG! and no pressure, just living, living right.

The way I started off the New Year 2011 was very, very good this year. My ego was stroked on the dancefloor at Empire Lounge as the ladies and I went out to celebrate the New Year's with a bunch of good-looking strangers much younger than us. I found the party on and the party flyer said 21+ but how was I to know they were being literal? The crowd was 21-25 years of age on average, which was fine. I was approached by a man and a boy in their early thirties (31 and 30 respectively and separately). I have to admit that being in my mid-thirties I was flattered by their attention. I take it as a compliment, that I looked good, that I moved well enough to attract their attention.

Were these the hotties I've been drooling over and daydreaming about? Not exactly, but I'm not going to spurn their attentions like most women simply because they are not my Mr. Right or Mr. Right-Now. One guy asked me for the kiss at midnight, even though it was half-past! Imagine my surprise! At these moments, I giggle and laugh. I gave him a kiss on the cheek as I was neither that drunk, nor that easy. These days I am more impressed by their daring than chagrined. A good night was my experience and it was fun.

Being single at Christmas and New Years (read this interesting blog on the topic) is a different type of experience than being in a relationship. I've done both now and I must admit that being single is way more fun. For Christmas I enjoyed my time with family and friends. As a single woman in downtown Toronto and an excellent host, I had one party and two dinner parties at my place--the highlight and joy of my Christmas season. I enjoyed time with my sister and her family and played with my nieces Kaelyn and Keyanna. For New Year's I went out with the ladies (Ingrid and Jeannelle).

As a single woman on New Year's, you have your choice of partners to dance with and people who want to kiss you. But there is nothing like the independence of going home on your own, to your own place, to sleep in your own bed, on your own. I'm comfortable with that, for now. There will come a time when he and I are together (by the Grace and Will of God) and I'll have someone to come home to who can come home to me, but in the meantime, I'm going to enjoy living single.

A girlfriend asked me on New Year's Day (or the day after) if I had made any resolutions. No, I have not made any "New Year's Resolutions", but I have in the past few months resolved to do things differently and better in my life. In my last blog "Christmas is coming and I ain't ready yet", I talked about the potential my life offers. I look at the position I am in now as a gift. I have the gift of my time, talent and money to spend in unselfish and giving ways either with my family, friends or my community. I have resolved to do so in the next year. I am enjoying all this free-time immensely but I do see there is room and space in my life for service to my fellow-man, -woman and -child.

I have long resolved to get healthy and fit. For 2011, I suppose I could change my resolve to being healthy and fit since I'm already there and can only get better. I've spend the past three months abstaining from alcohol for weeks at a time (goodness gracious, only you know how hard that has been!), eating the right foods and avoiding sugar, salt-if its not sea salt, all-gluten containing food and dairy products, eating all manner of green leafy vegetable, including those veggies I cannot pronounce properly - kale, chard and leeks! Yes, eek! Leeks!

I'm seeing results and I'm loving living healthy and clean (if only for three weeks at a time) so I'm not going to stop what I'm doing and start a new revolution (note: resolution with a v is revolution, interesting, hmmm). Why? Shouldn't I more simply and easily for me, continue doing what I'm doing and augment it so I'm doing it better? A fitness expert I know personally, Kevin Majchrzak at Wynn Fitness suggested this in his last note to gym-rats, "Be consistent! Don't expect any shortcuts to fitness. Make sensible, long-term fitness changes so you can enjoy the benefits of fitness for a lifetime."

I resolve to walk more, talk more (or less as necessary), listen more, love more and learn more. I know I can even share more and be there more. And Iknow that little by little, small changes will make a big difference in my life and by the end of 2011, I'll be the hottie that my love-interests are drooling over! Not that that is my only aim in life but it sure is nice!