Food and music are my heart and soul, they make me happy. I thought about the things that make me happy this week and asked myself, am I doing the things that make me happy? Ask yourself the same question. Will you be surprised by the answer?
I was. I was delightfully surprised that I can answer with a resounding "yes!" This week was an example of how I continue to do the things that bring joy into my life and spread this joy to others. On Monday night, I finally took Josephine (@joeboxer26) to Harlem Restaurant (@harlem1920) for the Carolyn T Monday night Open Jam (@carolynTband and facebook). It was great, some amazing singers and instrumentalists graced the stage. I really enjoy going there, getting up on stage and singing my heart out. It is something that encouages me to grow and learn. I learned a new song this week and performed it at another open mic, Singer's Den put on by Nigel (@intelswagger) and hosted by Al St. Louis (@alstlouispoet). I sang "Let's Stay Together" written by Al Green as sung by Tina Turner. I love Tina! It was good.
All of these musical experience were preceeded by going with friends (@adamdiamond_, @joeboxer26, Lenore and Chantelle (twitter handles not memorized)), to see a taping of Canada Sings (@CanadaSingsTV) that will air in May. Amazing fun! And I'm more inspired to get out there and do more music either on my own (i.e. solo) or with Sweet Rhapsody (twitter handle a to-d0).
I also gave a gift of service this week - by offering my time and my talents. I made a delicious soup for the Lenten Soup series at Newman Centre and shared it with 15 people who came for soup and stayed for adoration. I derive much pleasure out of cooking and baking, but more from sharing with others. It was for me like an #EatPrayShare moment. I learned something from the experience also, how to make soup for 15 people. That is the hard part. I may do it again sometime. It was like a prelude experience to cooking in a soup kitchen or community kitchen.
I also took a walk in my neighbourhood of Regent Park on a day off and was amazed at the changes of the revitalization or gentrification of Regent Park I was impressed to see the community centre that the Toronto Christian Resource Centre has built and the beautiful space they have for the community. I am excited by the potential to contribute and volunteer in the community.
As part of my year-long adventure to serve my community and find my purpose in the everyday, I feel that of late, I have found good reasons to be and to do. Of course, I still have questions about all that I am to be and to do in my lifetime but for now I am content to continue exploring how I can serve others in my quest to define or redefine self. I look forward to continuing to nourish my soul with food and music.
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