Wednesday, November 28, 2012

"All I want for Christmas..." - dreams, wishes and visions come true - November 28, 2012

So it's about time I wrote a regular blog, the last one was in May and I've been writing in the since then, so you or I haven't dished on the regular going-ons of living. It's November 2012 and much has happened. Presently, Christmas carols and songs are playing on the radio, which I love and I know some of you might hate. One of my favourite modern Christmas songs is Mariah Carey's "All I want for Christmas is you." So this blog is on “wishes, dreams and all things coming true!”

'Be careful what you wish for cause you just might get it' are lyrics from the popular dance song, "When I grow up" by the Pussycat Dolls but it's true. Even in the Congo, I had to be careful what I wished for (a work week in the cafe serving customers in addition to managing and accounting) because I nearly got all I wished for (I worked 6 night shifts in French). The same in true of life in Toronto. On facebook, I posted my affirmation that I will be married to my boyfriend and have bought a condo downtown in 18 months. Some of you liked that post and commented, thank you. That dream is coming true with God's help.

I checked my last blog and in February 2012, I wrote about my mantra, "I finally found someone" as sung by Barbara Streisand and Bryan Adams. That song still makes me cry a little because it's so beautiful, but it is true because I have finally found someone. With your love and support, my trip to the Democratic Republic of Congo serving others and speaking French become a reality. Now an opportunity to purchase in Regent Park is available and I'm opening that door! This is a reference to 'when opportunity knocks, open the door'.

Dreams cancome true, look at me baby”. I did an exercise in 2011 on visioning and making dreamboards with my good friend Jo (Josephine on twitter - @joeboxer26). I had been reading Iyanla Vanzant's Tapping the Power within. I repeat my affirmations to myself, to God, in my poetry, on blogs, facebook and to anyone who will listen. I extole the virtues of writing it down, saying it out loud and overall being clear and honest with oneself about wants, goals, dreams and desires. Dreams can come true, I'm proof of that. I am more than I thought I could be even from 2005. Wow, how my life has changed, how I have grown and how my potential has been realized.
How about you? Are you realizing your potential? As this Christmas and holiday season approaches, I encourage you all to write down a wish list for yourself, where you want to be next year at this time, what you want to be doing, who you want to be with. Keep this 'Christmas wish list' handy and refer to it often. That is my wish for you, that all your dreams come true.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

When it rains, it pours and be careful what you wish for - May 15, 2012

Amen! When it rains, it pours. I have yet to be disappointed by life, by God, by forces in the universe conspiring to make my life better and good. Thank you, again and again, over and over.

The past few weeks, I have woken up praising and giving thanks. I can't imagine a better life than I have right now. Sure, things could be better - I could own a condo instead of renting in a co-op, I could have a bigger title for a job instead of managing a program that has provincial reach, I could be married instead of dating. Things could be better, but I must admit, they are pretty good right now and I am thankful for what I have right now. No matter how small or seemingly inconsequential, I think you have to be thankful for the little that you have or you won't appreciate the big things when they come.

What's new? Everything. And that is okay. I am okay with the new.

VIDES - My mission trip is a go. I have been telling you about this desire/calling I have to serve my community in some way for about a year, now I'm really going. I'm combining my love of travel and serving others and learning French in a mission trip with VIDES Canada - I'm leaving in a few weeks and will be away for a few months. Follow my new blog on my experiences in Senegal volunteering with the Salesian community -

Love - My love life is kicked into high gear. I've written a few poems and a couple songs now about how this experience is rocking my world right now. "I've been hit!" Cupid was somewhere I wasn't looking and now I'm hooked on a certain guy. I've rewritten Nat King Cole's popular hit "Orange Coloured Sky" to fit my circumstances.

Community - I've found community projects in my neighbourhood that I can get involved in before and upon my return from Senegal. CRC ( will have opportunities for me to work in Regent Park and build community and I'm on a board-ICA Canada ( for an organization dedicated to communty building, official at the AGM in May.

Finances - Ma encouraged me to save for the future, for my travel wants, for my future condo in the redeveloped Regent Park. It has been hard pinching pennies and such, but I've appreciated seeing savings grow and know that I am investing in myself. Budgeting is not my first love, but I'm coming around to appreciate it.

What's next? Everything. And I'm okay with it.

Now that my mission trip is official, consider this your official notice. It's on! And I need your help. I have planned for my trip and my expenses are mostly covered, but I would very much like to support the Salesian community that I am going to serve for three months. I need your help to provide the children and youth attending school in this Senegalese community with the supplies they need. Your support will help. Please see below for ways you can help.

How can you help?
Spread the word - follow this blog online -, tweet about it and add the hashtag #MLGsVIDESmission or #MLGsVIDES or #MVM
Donate - send cheques of any amount to VIDES Canada, amounts over $20 can be tax receipted, cheques are made to VIDES Canada and sent to Sr Jeannine Landry, 178 Steeles Ave East ON L3T 1A5
Donate online - from now until May 29, 2012
Support the fundraisers - Show up and bring friends to MLGs fundraisers - upcoming events are May 20, 2012 and June 10, 2012. Check out facebook for more info.Pray - your prayers for me on this journey are appreciated and for the community I will serve.

My advice? Keep dreaming, when you know what you want out of life, you can ask for it. And when you get it, don't forget to say thanks.


Saturday, March 24, 2012

Food and music - heart and soul - March 24, 2012

Food and music are my heart and soul, they make me happy. I thought about the things that make me happy this week and asked myself, am I doing the things that make me happy? Ask yourself the same question. Will you be surprised by the answer?

I was. I was delightfully surprised that I can answer with a resounding "yes!" This week was an example of how I continue to do the things that bring joy into my life and spread this joy to others. On Monday night, I finally took Josephine (@joeboxer26) to Harlem Restaurant (@harlem1920) for the Carolyn T Monday night Open Jam (@carolynTband and facebook). It was great, some amazing singers and instrumentalists graced the stage. I really enjoy going there, getting up on stage and singing my heart out. It is something that encouages me to grow and learn. I learned a new song this week and performed it at another open mic, Singer's Den put on by Nigel (@intelswagger) and hosted by Al St. Louis (@alstlouispoet). I sang "Let's Stay Together" written by Al Green as sung by Tina Turner. I love Tina! It was good.

All of these musical experience were preceeded by going with friends (@adamdiamond_, @joeboxer26, Lenore and Chantelle (twitter handles not memorized)), to see a taping of Canada Sings (@CanadaSingsTV) that will air in May. Amazing fun! And I'm more inspired to get out there and do more music either on my own (i.e. solo) or with Sweet Rhapsody (twitter handle a to-d0).

I also gave a gift of service this week - by offering my time and my talents. I made a delicious soup for the Lenten Soup series at Newman Centre and shared it with 15 people who came for soup and stayed for adoration. I derive much pleasure out of cooking and baking, but more from sharing with others. It was for me like an #EatPrayShare moment. I learned something from the experience also, how to make soup for 15 people. That is the hard part. I may do it again sometime. It was like a prelude experience to cooking in a soup kitchen or community kitchen.

I also took a walk in my neighbourhood of Regent Park on a day off and was amazed at the changes of the revitalization or gentrification of Regent Park I was impressed to see the community centre that the Toronto Christian Resource Centre has built and the beautiful space they have for the community. I am excited by the potential to contribute and volunteer in the community.

As part of my year-long adventure to serve my community and find my purpose in the everyday, I feel that of late, I have found good reasons to be and to do. Of course, I still have questions about all that I am to be and to do in my lifetime but for now I am content to continue exploring how I can serve others in my quest to define or redefine self. I look forward to continuing to nourish my soul with food and music.

Friday, February 17, 2012

What's next? There is always something - February 17, 2012

Last week, my knees hurt from jumping over speedbumps with my niece. A week ago Friday I lost my phone after an awsome party and lost the guy's number (no worries, he has mine). This week, it's not the knees, my ribs hurt from trying to excercise. As they say, if it's not one thing, it's another.

But rather than be pushed and "bowled over by the bowels of life" I'm gonna stand my ground, stand up and fight for the kind of life I want to live. So last week, my training session didn't involve any squats 'cause I could barely bend, no matter, I sweat as much anyway. Since Friday, I've been a little bit disconnected and not texting, tweeting, facebooking (is that a verb) or bbming as much as normal, but is that so bad? (That last incident has forced me to think a little and not depend on the external or the environment). Yesterday, I had to maintain a stiff posture as the soreness in my ribs doesn't allow slouching.

You can always find what some call the "silver-lining" in any bad situation, I call it the joy or the joie-de-vive. As 2012 continues to roll on by despite all my efforts to slow time, I am now reminded to do daily affirmations. I share this with you as I share most of my secrets and experiences, so you can learn something from this story. I do daily affirmations so I can be present in crafting the life I want to live right now and tomorrow. As St. Valentines Day was this week, I, like many single people, was faced with this reality, that I am currently single. But it's not a way I want to be so of course my affirmations are about affirming my need for companionship and having God's help to find the someone he has planned for me. (I've also been singing the Barbara Streisand/Bryan Adams 1996 hit - I've finally found someone - as a sort of mantra).

So onwards and upwards. I must have dreamed (or journalled at some point) of having an adventuresome, exciting, 30-something lifestyle. This week was probably the best example and the fun isn't stopping. On Monday night, I attended with friends a George Brown College event to support a colleague at the Devil's Martini, Wanderlust, plus @CarolynTBand's open mic at @Harlem1920. Tuesday, Jo @joeboxer26 and I went to a Fastlife event where I met lots of eligible bachelors, very nice; much prefer being out than staying in and moping on Valentines. Wednesday was gym and chilling at Jersey Giant with @adamdiamond_ and eating a healthy bun-less burger with salad. Thursday I made it to both skating lessons at Harbourfront and Singer's Den hosted by @AlStLouispoet and created by my cousin @Steph_Boucaud and @intelswagger. The week isn't over as there are Black History Month events to attend.

Wow! This is my life!

So what's next? That is entirely up to you. You can make it happen, let it happen, imagine it, dream it, figure it out. There is always going to be something. Either something good or something bad. The only control we have is of ourselves and how we act or react to the things, people, places and events that happen.

I choose to be concious in my life, be active and be an active participant. Life is, just is. But me, I am how I want to be. How about you?