"Someday at Christmas all our dreams would come to be", Stevie Wonder.
Contemplating life and all you did this year, accomplishments, activities, challenges, and how you faced them, seems to be a common practice. It is at this time that I prepare to celebrate Christmas and the beginning of the new year and I also reminisce about the past few months and all my dreams, hopes and wishes. I muse on my life and evaluate whether it is what I hoped it would be or ponder the gaps and what I can do to fill them.
I also look at my list and wonder what can I do in 30 days to finish off 2011 in a way that would make me feel very good. It's a good time to check in and see where I have grown and where I can keep growing.
Christmas is my favourite season because of music, song, food, desserts and gift-giving. I look forward to Christmas parties, dinners, carolling and of course shopping. I am thankful as I was at Thanksgiving of who I am and who I am becoming, what I have and what I can give. Christmas is the time to put into action that feeling of thanksgiving in real and tangible ways.
I know that Christmas can be a contemplative and nostalgic time as well with feelings of wistfulness, longing and melancholy. I recognize that this time of year is filled with so much angst and anxiety at the same time it is filled with joy and celebration. I encourage everyone to reach out and accept the hands of friendship and the opportunities to grow and know someone. Even if you don't think so, there is someone somewhere who loves you and wants the best for you. With that hope, go forward and accept the love that this season reminds us of.
"I believe for everyone who goes astray, someone will come to show the way". I believe in Christmas. I believe in hope. I believe in you. I believe everyone has it in them to be the special gift at Christmas that everyone wants to open. Let Christmas be the time and the season for you and your special gift to be shared. Everyone has a talent and if you haven't shared it already, now is the time to open up and let your light shine.
I know I am wistful and metaphoric but I believe the season is beyond measurement. It will not matter how many gifts you give, how much money you spent or how many parties you hosted, it will matter how deeply you touched someone and made them feel special. It will matter how you gave of yourself, your time, your energy and your love.
Be the Christmas joy you wish to see in the world.
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