Monday, April 11, 2011

Living the dream...defining the dream and living it - April 11, 2011

"[Spring] is in the air, everytime I look around." (by John Paul Young)

Spring feels like it is finally here in Toronto, tdot, El Toro and I'm bound and determined to enjoy it. The winter blues or blahs should be melted away with the spring sunshine the way the sun has melted leftovers of winter-snow! As the gentle rains falls and washes away the dirt and trash left by mounds and heaps of what was once clean, white snow, so should the spirit of Spring and Easter wash away whatever dregs and leftovers need to be washed away from your spirit and soul.

Every morning I am greeted by the sweet sounds of Machel Montano's "Advantage" as that is the first song on the soca CD I bought myself at Maracas Bay a few weeks ago. Was it only a few weeks ago (a month and 1 day today I returned) that I was basking in the sunshine of a Trini Wednesday after an adventurous and whirlwind Carnival? Read more about my adventures during Carnival in my travel blog - Tastes, Travels and Thoughts by MLG The energy of that vacation adventure still motivates me to wake up in the morning, find joy in every moment and discover my passion.

Taking advantage of the stage or life as you know it is a mantra I have to share. It is time to take advantage of every G0d-given moment, talent and door that beckons. Time to take advantage of life. I hear Machel's music and though it is meant for dancing and wining and enjoying, I can't help but read into it. Just like Kes the Band's Million Dollars. I may not have won a million bucks or even $10, (I, like the rest of you, have to work hard for my money) but I feel like I'm worth a million. Beautiful! How can you resist being inspired?

"And I feel like, I just won a million dollars!" What a feeling! If we could capture this feeling and bottle it, it would be worth just that. Every time I go away to a foreign country or back home to Trinidad, I enjoy myself so much and I am uplifted I feel like I am taken away to another plane of existence where anything is possible. Barbados, Las Vegas, Trinidad, England, France...every place I've been to has inspired me to be more, to do more. Seeing how other people live in another part of this city, my country or the world opens your eyes to the other, the possible and the potential.

"This year I moving fearless." Are you? Am I? There is so much in life I want to do, say, write and all before things change, buckets are kicked or I change my mind. Fearlessly. I am encouraged by these experiences to be fearless in my approach to the dream. Dreaming without fear and living the dream as best I can, bravely. What is the dream? Only God and I know and I endeavour to find out if His dream and mine are the same.

I encourage you to set about dreaming, to try and figure out what you are meant to be doing on this planet or at least to daydream about what you would like to do on this planet. It is an exercise but it is totally worth it. I dreamed of playing big people mas in Trinidad and have been saying I would go for years (literally, I've been fantasizing about this since 2005). And I did it! Finally! I felt good, looked good and I must say having a goal or dream helped me get healthy and fit. I will continue to eat healthy, do Socacize boot camps, go to the gym and train with my trainer because Rio's Carnival is calling my name!

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